Advanced Formatting
When the data engine generates elements to be used in conjunction with category x axes* the element x values, despite being numeric or time based, are placed in the element.Name property as strings. To specify a format used in this process DataEngine.FormatString and DataEngine.CultureName are used.
* As opposed to a true numeric or time axis scales, category axes show elements by their name.
Embedded in Tokens
This section demonstrates how to use different formatting in labels so they dont use the axis format.
All values shown in a chart are based on a label template string which uses tokens that specify which element value to show. For example a regular combo chart shows y values for each element and this can be specified using the following code:
Chart.DefaultSeries.DefaultElement.SmartLabel.Text = "%YValue";
[Visual Basic]
Chart.DefaultSeries.DefaultElement.SmartLabel.Text = "%YValue"
To imbed format strings within the element's label template, the following syntax is used:
Example element templates:
Template Text | Result |
<%YValue,Currency> | $500.00 |
(<%YValue,Currency>, <%XValue,d>) | ($500.00, 11/18/2004) |
Example: The following code will specify a currency format for the default element label template.
[C#] Chart.DefaultSeries.DefaultElement.SmartLabel.Text = "<%YValue,Currency>";
[Visual Basic] Chart.DefaultSeries.DefaultElement.SmartLabel.Text = "<%YValue,Currency>"
This will format the labels on the chartArea as currency but not in other places like the legend box.
For a complete list of possible tokens see: Tokens
For a reference of how to access different label on a chart see Using Labels
Advanced Axis Formatting
The axis also provides some additional settings that influence the axis format.
Setting Axis.Percent = true will format axis tick labels as percentages (in addition to snapping the scales maximum value to 100%)
A shortcut for setting the number of decimals for axis formats is to specify it with the Axis.NumberPrecision property.
Chart.YAxis.NumberPrecision = 2;
[Visual Basic]
Chart.YAxis.NumberPrecision = 2